Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, Dean Ray Cross, The Brain Cancer catcher in Syria Black Ops Guy. 02/04/16 00:50:52
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, The Amarillo Texas BUST of Billy Don Wheeler, the Piano Man. 02/02/16 00:49:36
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, The Keene New Hampshire BUST of Gary Robert Lefebvre. The VFW Phony SEAL. 01/10/16 01:07:09
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, The Frequent-Flyer... I didnt even know we spoke before. 12/11/15 00:01:53
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, Douglas Sinclair Doria, The Child Sex Offender Phony SEAL. 12/01/15 00:11:08
YouTube Teaser. Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. America's Worst Phony SEAL and Worst Lawyer. 11/09/15 00:09:57
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. CHARLES DAVID SPARKS AKA DAVID SPARKY SPARKS, The Lone Wolf Navy SEAL 10/15/15 00:23:44
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Clubber Lang, AKA MICHAEL ORLANDO HALL. The "Check Me Out" Phony SEAL 10/04/15 00:32:49
Part 2 Frederick Hunt. Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, Paul Eppley the Charles Manson Phony SEAL 09/17/15 00:25:22
Part 1 Frederick Hunt. Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, the Frederick Maryland Hunt for Three Phony Navy SEALs. 09/15/15 00:47:50
Spot a Narcissistic Sociopathic Personality. William Richard Outersky, Phony Navy SEAL. 07/25/15 00:23:47
Debrief Stanley Szuber, Rumor Control, Wayne the Camera Guy and Muj steals Michon's Chicken Breast. 05/20/15 00:12:12