Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. A SEAL, No... Desert Storm, No... OK I Quit BUDS! No You Didn't Do That Either Phony SEAL... 09/15/20 00:13:28
Phony SEAL of the Week PREVIEW, Blind Brushing and a Duck Decoy Painting Challenge. 09/08/20 00:26:48
Inbox Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Battle of the Colonels, Obituarys, and the Boneheaded Leader of NFAC. 08/07/20 00:13:56
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Paul Jordan. The "They Shot Me and Stole my Meat Loaf Sandwich" Phony SEAL. 07/10/20 00:22:31
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week: Part 2 The That's Me On The Left Just Before We All Died Phony SEAL. 06/18/20 00:32:54
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week: Part 1: The That's Me On The Left Just Before We All Died Phony SEAL... 06/17/20 00:17:45
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week PREVIEW, a Lesson on Dick Bombing, and the Battle of the Snakes Begins Again... 06/05/20 00:14:29
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Another Nigerian Navy SEAL Scammer Drowns off the Maryland Coast 05/26/20 00:13:27
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Benjamin Boyer. The Speechless, BUT I know Who You Are Phony SEAL. 05/20/20 00:13:08
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. The Shadow of Shame Children Walk Enduring a Phony SEAL Father... 05/09/20 00:21:38
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Robert Elliott. The Don Shipley Slandered my Character While I was in Prison for Sex Crimes Phony SEAL. 05/06/20 00:11:38
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Part Two, Jon Oswell, The Beckett Book Bullshit Phony CIA SEAL Clown Dude. 05/02/20 00:19:37
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Part One, Jon Oswell, The Beckett Book Bullshit Phony CIA SEAL Clown Dude. 05/01/20 00:21:25
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Jeffrey Christopher Feldman Part Two: The Phony SEAL, Army Ranger, 82nd Airborne, CIA Covert Ops, POW, 141 Confirmed Kills... And a Pedophile 04/25/20 00:21:25
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Jeffrey Christopher Feldman Part One: The Phony SEAL, Army Ranger, 82nd Airborne, CIA Covert Ops, POW, 141 Confirmed Kills... And a Pedophile. TRACY, a New Member, tells all! 04/24/20 00:31:53
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week...John Lucich. The Washed Outta SEAL Training Before I Even Started Electronics Tech Phony SEAL PUSSY... 04/22/20 00:25:04
Admiral Melvin Kent Fleck Journeys to the Phony SEAL Bone Yard and Diane Enjoys a Titty Nip. 04/04/20 00:18:15
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Robert Eugene Morgan. The Friendly Fire Libya Leg Looser Classified Navy SEAL. 03/19/20 00:17:54
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Ron Adler, The Acid Eatin, Phony SEAL CIA Dude that thought he could BS The Old Senior Chief... 03/10/20 00:16:40
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Wayne LeClaire Takes a Major Chick Spanking and Greg enjoys Don's Company for Seven Hours. 03/05/20 00:15:01
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... The Beirut Bombing Phony SEAL Part Two. The Chaplain Speaks... 02/29/20 00:21:27
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Daryl Edwards, The Buried Alive in Beirut Phony Navy SEAL 02/26/20 00:20:48
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Jonjez/Jon Gordon Hanson. The Matted, Moist, Bigfoot Vagina Viewing Phony Navy SEAL. 02/17/20 00:23:26
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Lakota Joe. The Navy SEAL Medicine Man, Deck Ape Assassin, of the USS Milwaukee. 01/14/20 00:27:52
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. BRUCE ALAN EISENMANN, The Colonel Kurtz of Costa Rica Phony SEAL. 12/23/19 00:32:37
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Gabriel Houston. The BUDS Class 246, 247 Don Shipley Knowin Phony SEAL. 12/10/19 00:22:11
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. The Atlanta BUST of Bob McDaniel Part 2. Fake SEAL, Fake Admiral, Fake Colonel, Fake Recon, Fake Delta Operator, Fake Fighter Pilot, Fake Vietnam Vet. Part 3 Tomorrow. 11/19/19 00:21:30
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. The Atlanta BUST of Bob McDaniel. Fake SEAL, Fake Admiral, Fake Colonel, Fake Recon, Fake Delta Operator, Fake Fighter Pilot, Fake Vietnam Vet. 11/18/19 00:36:28
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Ronald Clanton. The Lovable Lug, Hugable Mug Phony SEAL. 11/15/19 00:05:18
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Douglas Robert Ridner. The Discharged for Being Overweight Navy SEAL CIA Sniper Marine Saving Commando Dude. 11/07/19 00:36:31
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Jeremy Baylis. The Marcinko said he was a SEAL, Phony SEAL. 11/01/19 00:27:42
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Jeffrey L. Decker. The You'll Leave in a Box Chimney Sweeper SEAL Dude... 10/11/19 00:18:48