Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Part 2. The Been Everydamnwhere, Done Everydamnthing, Phony Navy SEAL. 03/02/22 00:36:59
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Part 1. The Been Everydamnwhere, Done Everydamnthing, Phony Navy SEAL. 02/28/22 00:35:16
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. Live Roasted Dog Recipes from Vietnam and a Barracuda Amputation for Beginners. 02/23/22 00:10:52
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Part Two. Eric Paul Gast, Livingston TX. TikTok Italianmadetexasraised. 02/18/22 00:15:46
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Part One. Eric Paul Gast, Livingston TX. TikTok Italianmadetexasraised. 02/17/22 00:14:52
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. John Breske. The Boatswain Mate 3rd Class who calmly radioed "BROKEN ARROW" 12/02/21 00:25:32
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Shane Michael Mroz, Plymouth Michigan. The Dictator Slayer Secret SEAL. 11/30/21 00:09:20
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Phony SEAL or Just Delusional? Maybe a little of both... 11/26/21 00:16:36
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Verlon Clinton James PART THREE. The Conclusion of the Toledo Charity Torpedo Serial Rapist Dude. 10/15/21 00:06:39
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Verlon Clinton James PART TWO. The Toledo Charity Torpedo Serial Rapist Dude. 10/14/21 00:14:40
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Verlon Clinton James PART ONE. The Toledo Charity Torpedo Serial Rapist Dude. 10/13/21 00:11:41
Part Two: Phony Navy SEAL JOHAN KILDRIDGE HARRISON AKA Johan Kyle AKA John Harrison AKA John Huntington 09/21/21 00:35:16
Part One: Phony Navy SEAL JOHAN KILDRIDGE HARRISON AKA John Harrison AKA John Huntington AKA Johan Kyle 09/20/21 00:15:34
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Part Two. The Sob Story Blackwater UDT Phony SEAL Chicken Wing Selling Dude. 08/07/21 00:19:17
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... Part One. The Sob Story Blackwater UDT Phony SEAL Chicken Wing Selling Dude. 08/06/21 00:18:13
Phony Marine Force Recon of the Week. The Only Fake Certificate I don't Have is a DD-214. 05/25/21 00:21:44
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. The UDT Graduatin, KBar Knife Havin, I Love Me Wall Hangin, Phony Yap Island UDT CLown. 04/28/21 00:17:38
Phony Army Special Forces and a clown Army Ranger. The Frank Jones, Jonathan Senk Scam. 04/06/21 00:27:55
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Robert Duncan. Another Veterans History Project Phony SEAL 03/10/21 00:16:20
Inbox Phony Navy SEAL of the Week: The Naked Prey Phony SEAL Dude and a Buttermilk Thingy from Diane... 02/26/21 00:17:57
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. The "We Came at Night With Knives" Phony SEAL and a Tribute to the Coasties. 02/18/21 00:17:53
A Phony SEAL with the DUMBEST Fake DD-214 I've Ever Encountered. What else can you ask for??? 02/08/21 00:17:21
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Ralph Lee Parris, California Missouri Police Department. 01/20/21 00:13:11
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Some SEAL Team Support Technicians have a HARD time saying they were NOT SEALs. 01/19/21 00:11:02
Scott Fitser Phony SEAL Part Two and a Fake DD-214 Needer Dude who remembers Chuck from the Old Days in Vietnam... 12/31/20 00:23:25
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week: Scott Fitser, The Experimental Dive Phony SEAL Dude Clown Guy. 12/30/20 00:16:52
Phony Green Beret of the Week Preview PLUS a Phony SEAL for Chuck and Steve donates an Owl... 12/08/20 00:15:04
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Weird, and Weirder. That's the way I like my Phonies... 11/19/20 00:17:28
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Ernest Cook Part Two. The Veterans History Project UDT POW. 10/08/20 00:29:03
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Ernest Cook Part One. The Veterans History Project UDT POW. 10/07/20 00:23:08
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week PREVIEW. Seabees in Underwater Demolition during World War II. 10/06/20 00:10:17
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week: The One that Got Away but a Fake DD 214 Needed Dude that Didn't Get Away. 10/03/20 00:18:14
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Eddie Deckard. The Veterans History Project North Korean Intestine Dragger Dude. 09/29/20 00:25:24
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Jerry McAninch Forney Texas. The Veterans History Project Phony SEAL. 09/22/20 00:29:31