Phony Navy SEALSSS of the Week UPDATE. Cryer in an Asylum, Byer In Tennessee without Pants, Scott Stephens encounters an Investigative Reporter and SA stands for Special Agent and not Seamen Apprentice. 10/09/19 00:13:30
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Eric Winstead, Rockmart Georgia. The Firm Arm Instructin, Metal of Honor Havin, Special War Fair Doin, Illiterate Phony Navy SEAL. 08/06/19 00:15:27
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Alexander Kosiarski, The Lets Play Dress Up Phony SEAL and a sneak peak at Eric, the Heated Phony SEAL. 08/02/19 00:10:17
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Dr. Richard Orville Bush, Allen Texas. The Dead Horse Kicker Phony SEAL. 07/29/19 00:12:42
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Curtis Elwood Barrett, the Aleutian Islands Training SEAL AND SO MUCH MORE... 07/25/19 00:11:48
Phony Navy SEALSSS of the Week. The Fake DD 214 of Michael Anthony Rich, Desperado Shadowhartt AKA Paul J. Joyce, Edward Patrick Gaffny and Doctor Amniotic Membrane Robert Dean Allen. 07/24/19 00:09:54
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Doug Rosendahl the ISIS Fightin Phony SEAL and his Big Headed Enabler on Go Fund Me Rodney Palmer the Real Estate Clown. I think BOTH of them need Jail. 07/17/19 00:11:37
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Paul Sonny Burris, the Sonny Side of Scuba Phony SEAL. 06/13/19 00:27:19
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. LCDR Joe Foti Part 2. The I’ll take a Purple Heart, Silver Star, Bronze Star, a SEAL Trident and can you Overnight that Order Phony SEAL. 05/15/19 00:22:02
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. LCDR Joe Foti Part 1. The I'll take a Purple Heart, Silver Star, Bronze Star, a SEAL Trident and can you Overnight that Order Phony SEAL. 05/14/19 00:28:55
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. A SLEW of Swillers, Truckers, and a Chubby Black Ops Phony SEAL. 04/12/19 00:12:40
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Part 2. Jay Alan Reed, The I Never Said I was a Navy SEAL Phony SEAL. 03/14/19 00:18:47
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Part 1. Jay Alan Reed, The I Never Said I Was A Navy SEAL Phony SEAL. 03/13/19 00:18:36
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. The Jay Reed Backstory First PLUS a Korean War Hero never leaves Boot Camp. 03/12/19 00:25:13
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Brian Keith Liston. The You Lost a Good One Phony SEAL and some Dog Therapy. 03/04/19 00:15:30
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Arvil Gene Reed, The Seamen Recruit Being, Lieutenant Claiming, Fake Navy Cross Phony SEAL. 02/25/19 00:19:27
Phony Navy SEAL of The Week. Jerren Almon. The Glass Eatin, Blackwater Burglar, Combat Jumpin, Phony SEAL. 01/30/19 00:25:28
Phony Marine Recon of the Week. Jamie Morgan Kane AKA John Wetmore. YouTube Sensation Vietnam Phony Murderer Dude. 01/15/19 00:29:46
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... The Parachute Leg Breaking, Scapula Fracturing, Collar Bone Snapping, Internal Injury Phony SEAL Dude Guy. 01/04/19 00:15:57
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... The Plumber by Day, Sexual Fantasy by Night, bin Laden Killin Dating Website Phony SEAL. 12/18/18 00:28:58
Phony Navy YEOMAN of the Week. The One Way Mission, Cyanide Capsule Eatin, Special Operations Secretary Flashlight Shiner Dude... 12/11/18 00:32:03
Phony Army Ranger Normady Invader Dude of the Week. The Disabled, Hand 2 Hand, Belgian Gate Blower Upper, Submarine Inserter, D Day Ranger Dude Guy. 11/28/18 00:18:50
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Michael/Miguel/Miguele Angelo Biondi Respectfully Requests Another Assbeating. 11/23/18 00:13:05
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Charles Lee Cummings. The 640 Combat Missions Cell Phone Tower Climber Dude Phony SEAL. Part 2. 10/31/18 00:23:24
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Charles Lee Cummings. The 640 Combat Missions Cell Phone Tower Climber Dude Phony SEAL. Part 1. 10/30/18 00:28:31
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Dennis Brannock, the Phony Navy SEAL Vietnam Vet School Gun Stopper Guy... 10/09/18 00:11:12
Inbox Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Dr. Wilson Rears His Ugly Head Again and a NEW PHONY PREVIEW... 09/27/18 00:13:44
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week... You need the Back Story First, before the Bust tomorrow... 09/12/18 00:18:27
A BRAND SPANKIN NEW PHONY NAVY SEAL OF THE WEEK tomorrow... But a quick preview NOW. 09/11/18 00:14:09
Inbox Phony SEAL of the Week. Walmart Cart Pusher Dude, Homely Navy SEAL Dude and SGT Pop busts a Phony SEAL. Grayback tomorrow... 08/20/18 00:09:02
Phony Navy SEAL Phony Army Ranger of the Week. Robert Christian Elliott. The TOTAL NUT JOB Phony SEAL. 08/08/18 00:30:23
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. Bruce Arton, Dallas North Carolina. The Necrophilia Rapist Phony SEAL 07/21/18 00:27:27
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK Preview. The Necrophilia Phony SEAL and Diane cooks a Pepper Thingy. 07/20/18 00:14:45