Phony Navy SEAL John Mueller from Texas scares people in Church with his crazy SEAL stories 11/30/-1 00:03:52
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK... Kurt Allen Wilkinson. Fake Fraud Phony Military Impostor 11/30/-1 00:05:04
Phony Navy SEAL Mark Anthony Niemczyk Pastor Terry Jones. Fake Fraud Phony Military Impostor 11/30/-1 00:08:09
Phony Navy SEAL Chawinpon Jesada Jumpanunt. Fake Fraud Phony Military Impostor. Don Shipley 11/30/-1 00:04:30
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. Brian Creekmur who is slightly less weird than Phony Bill Brockbrader. 11/30/-1 00:07:47
Phony Navy SEAL John Hoven Bed Bug Guy. Fake Fraud Phony Military Impostor. Don Shipley 11/30/-1 00:07:53
Phony Navy SEAL Memorial Day Weekend Collage. Don Shipley 11/30/-1 00:09:12
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, Robert Kilburn of Michigan. Military Fake, Fraud, Phony 11/30/-1 00:08:22
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week WALTER PHILLIP HOLT, Alpharetta Georgia. Walt is a FAKE EVERYTHING 11/30/-1 00:11:23
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week ABC Reporter BOBBY HALLMARK JR. from Texas. Fake SEAL and Vietnam Vet 11/30/-1 00:12:15
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week Part 2. Robert L. Ward Sr. The OTHER Navy SEAL Dolphin Guy. 11/30/-1 00:07:58
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK THOMAS EUGENE PARDICK Classified Navy SEAL and Jet Pilot 11/06/16 00:16:36
Don and Diane Shipley Christmas Special. Extreme SEAL Phony Navy SEAL Of The WEEK 11/30/-1 00:10:21
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. JOHAN KILDRIDGE HARRISON. Denver, Colorado South African Phony 11/30/-1 00:09:42
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. Kevin Eric Hickland and William Francis McAnerney. Phony Navy SEALs. 11/30/-1 00:27:03
Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. TOP 50 Fake Navy SEAL Claims. Tips to BUST a fake Navy SEAL 11/30/-1 00:33:01
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. Tarrant, Nease, Liston and Carpenter. Phony Navy SEAL. 11/30/-1 00:20:05
Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK. Lowell "Erectile" Hipsher, Penis Guy and Earl Littman WWII Phony SEAL. 11/30/-1 00:10:20